新書推薦:building our sociotechnical future

Johnson, D. G., Wetmore, J. M. (2009). Technology and society: building our sociotechnical future. The MIT Press

本書為一選集,由幾位學者Freeman Dyson、Lawrence Lessig, Bruno Latour和Judy Wajcman為讀者介紹近來的科技/社會關係,闡述理論框架,說明社會與科技彼此如何互相型塑。

選集著重說明科技、社會與價值的互動。藉由此書鋪陳的科技與社會理論框架,作者們也從中進而討論全球化、安全與隱私的平衡、環境公正(environmental justice)、發展中世界的貧窮等議題。



"Technology and Society is a landmark collection of readings and commentary in the history, philosophy, sociology, ethics, and politics of technology—the only reader that covers critical themes in all of those disciplines in one book."
—Ronald R. Kline, Bovay Professor in History and Ethics of Engineering, Science and Technology Studies Department, and School of Electrical Engineering, Cornell University
  "Technology and Society is a worthy addition to the series Inside Technology. By tackling the important normative questions embedded in our socio-technical systems, this book fills a gap in pedagogical resources for the field. The wide-ranging and historically informative selections provide a basis for deliberation about different views, and the differences in views presented are not oversimplified so as to allow one view easily to dominate."
—Rachelle D. Hollander, Senior Research Scholar, Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy, University of Maryland, College Park
  "Johnson and Wetmore's collection of papers on the interplay between technology and society is the most comprehensive I've seen, exposing just how rich, complex, multidimensional, and vital that interplay actually is. Be prepared for quite an intellectual ride!"
—Wm. A. Wulf, Department of Computer Science, University of Virginia, and President Emeritus, National Academy of Engineering


Deborah G. Johnson:
Anne Shirley Carter Olsson Professor of Applied Ethics in the Department of Science, Technology, and Society in the School of Engineering and Applied Science of the University of Virginia.
Jamey Wetmore:
Assistant professor at the Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes and the School of Human Evolution & Social Change at Arizona State University. 

