Oliver Marchart et al.(2008).《The rise of the informal media : how search engines, weblogs and You-Tube change public opinion 》.NAi Publishers

搜尋引擎、部落格和youtube如何改變公眾意見? 隨著這些新興媒體的崛起,大眾媒體不再只是唯一的公共論壇,本書即是從這些由使用者產製、傳播的訊息媒體出發,檢視他們在公共領域所帶來的含意。


Editorial / Jorinde Seijdel -- The people and the public : radical democracy and the role of public media / Oliver Marchart -- From media landscape to media ecology : the cultural implications of Web 2.0 / Martijn de Waal -- Nihilism and the news : blogging as a mental condition / Geert Lovink -- Publicity, pornography, or everyday media practice : on the Abu Ghraib photographs / Richard Grusin -- Another life in cyberspace : the peculiarities of second life / Albert Benschop -- The politics of making : effective artistic tools / David Garcia -- Column : Nine propositions towards a cultural theory of YouTube / Henry Jenkins -- Wading in the info sea : an interview with Richard Rogers / Willem van Weelden -- Hot spot : impetus towards innovation of public broadcasting / Geert van de Wetering -- Column / Dingeman Kuilman -- 'The focus is on the process' : interview with Bas Könning / Geert van de Wetering -- Television, criticism and the wow factor / Irene Costera Meijer en Maarten Reesink -- Flick radio 'makes the world feel real for me' / Bert Kommerij -- The subversive effect of the shadow archive : on Florian Göttke's toppled / Jorinde Seijdel -- Hollow model / Tema TCHM -- Toppled : visual contribution / Florian Göttke

Geert Lovink是澳大利亞的荷蘭媒體理論家和互聯網評論家,創辦了 NettimeFibreculture,其著作Dark Fiber and Uncanny Networks2002年由麻省理工學院出版社出版

圖書館連結: http://tinyurl.com/2aufoof
該書讓我們了解草根民主的媒體政策在資訊社會中如何運作 ~Oliver Marchart
提供了九種文化理論來面對YOUTUBE  ~Henry Jenkins~